Friday, February 8, 2008

Who to take to dinner

1. Pick a single person past or present who works in the film industry you would like to have dinner with. And tell us why you chose this person.

2. Set the table for your dinner. What would you eat? Would it be in a home or at a restaurant? And what would you wear? Feel free to elaborate on the details.

3. List five thoughtful questions you would ask this person during dinner.

4. When all is said and done, select six bloggers to pass this Meme along to.

5. Link back to Lazy Eye Theatre, so people know the mastermind behind this Meme.

My good friend James (see his movie blog posted to the left) posted this a whiel ago and listed me as a person who should write a little something. I feel slightly honored that I'm thought of in this situation, but am also a bit shamed that I can't come up with a good answer on my own.

Part of my difficulty is that I don't really like participating in these responsorial type things. The other portion is that, like James, I have difficulty coming up with someone in a film whom I care about enough personally to want to meet.

I said that I couldn't come up with an answer by myself, but like most Americans I was assisted by a commercial.

The commercial was a radio ad for "Two and a Half Men" a god awful laugh-track ridden POS sitcom which, from what the commercial says, occupies the number one slot.

As I listened to the commercial I remembered this littler survey and thought to myself, "I wonder if Charlie Sheen is as big of a douchebag as I've always just assumed he is?"

Despite the fact that I'm sure the answer is yes, I think I'd like to sit down with him over beer and pizza to find out. I don't feel I need to get into what I would wear, I mean it's beer and pizza, not a five-star restaurant. As to which pizza joint, I don't think it matters, so long as they have beer and it's not a chain (not Godfather's then, sorry Collin).

What would I ask him? Questions that are likely to offend him no doubt.

How many hours do you spend on your hair every day?
What's it like to have a brother who is a more talented actor but not as big of a commercial success?
Do you think you'll ever be as good as your dad or are you just planning to sponge off of his good name for the rest of your life?
Couldn't you just get a corral of about 10 beautiful women and be content rather than passing around the STDs which no doubt plague your gonads?
What's with this fascination with child porn that I hear you have? That's really sick man.

I'd try to be a little more subtle about asking these questions than the way in which they are posed here. I figure if I manage to make it past the fourth, the fifth is garunteed to get him to slime his way out the door.

A pressing question of mine is who is going to pay for this outing. If he's paying then I may switch up that last question to get him to stay and pick up the tab.

Well, that's my anwer


James said...

Haha! You should ask him about his contribution to "9/11 Truth" groups.

Honestly, though, I like Charlie Sheen as an actor.

James said...

Haha, oh wow, stickin' to Charlie Sheen. I actually like him, think his deadpan style serves comedy quite well. But yikes, he seeems like the biggest fucking asshole in real life.

I appreciate how you decided to factor in that you might have to tone down the insults in order to ensure that he picks up the tab!

Ryan said...

Charlie Sheen has had some good rolls, no doubt. I still don't think he's as good as Martin Sheen or Emilio Estevez.

I can't stand him in his various sitcom rolls where he seems to pretty much play himself, even being named Charlie in 2 1/2 men. See the post on "things I hate" for a diatribe on sitcoms that need laugh tracks to tell their moron audience where the joke is.

James said...

Did you ever see Terminal Velocity? That wasn't half-bad, or at least I don't remember it being half-bad...